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Dela Akakpo dela-dels
Mostly Laravel/PHP. Sometimes React, other times NodeJs. Currently trying my hands on Go


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Agustin Diaz adiaz-v

EPAM Systems San Martin de los Andes

Ignacio Yáñez iyanezUSACH
Ingeniero Civil en Geografía - USACH
Gerson Rodriguez garodriguezsv
Front-End Developer, SA UNIX/Linux & Wildlife Photographer

WildLife El Salvador El Salvador

Themba Chawanangwa Mzumara ThembaMzumara
Software Engineer.

elemento. Malawi

Roger Jay Yang [楊承翰] r-o-g-e-r-y-a-n-g
◻ ◳ ◲ ◱◰ ◼ ◆ ◈ ◻ ◽ ⌖ ● ◎ ◯ 🌐 California, United States

Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
Arif Cem Gundogan cemgundogan
All things climate change, AI/ML, Earth Observation, Embedded Electronics, Ethical Hacking and Quantum Computing. Long live FOSS.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development London

Sloane Ortel 🏳️‍⚧️ srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

Felix Wortmann Callejón wortmanncallejon
Political Economist and Data Scientist

TWS Partners Berlin, DE

Artem Bashkirev art-bashkirev

The Algol Algorithmic Abyss

Josh Eveleth jeveleth
just here for the jokes

San Francisco

Olav Schettler oschettler
Product manager @DeutscheWelle, entrepreneur @sweetbits , software developer @knowfox , STEM/STEAM workshops @tinkerthon

Bonn, Germany

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

David Pomerenke davidpomerenke
Developing for the Ministry for Development, monitoring media impact with the Media Impact Monitor.

@Datenlabor-BMZ @SocialChangeLab Berlin