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Harshal Sawant c0d3h01
Knowledge lights the path to infinite possibilities

None India, Mumbai

Aaron aaronedev
📌 i basically have sudo rights in real life 🚀 working on violet void theme ⚙️ i .config anything to make dope shit

@violet-void-theme Cologne, Germany

Abhisit Sangjan abhisit
A Passionate in Free Open Source Software


Samuel Oechsler oechsler
25. Developer.

@mercedes-benz Pforzheim, Germany

Andi wira waHyudi AnwiwaH
Computer Science | Content Creator

Makassar, Indonesia

Pranav pranavo72bex

@wesionaryTEAM Kathmandu, Nepal

ye ybi
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

Altaspire Inc.

Hana ShinniUwU
Exploring the world of developing.


Jim Stenstrom JimStenstrom
Industrial Control Systems Specialist
Murad Rustamov therteenten
a front-end developer from the Republic of Dagestan who doesn't do shit.

@tutlinux ~/home

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Patricio Aliste nonspada
FullStack Developer


Natasha Wilhelm NDub40
I am currently attending college for my computer science degree.

Independent Contractor Upstate, New York

Versun versun

Shanghai China

Hari Chalise harilvfs
Linux 🐧🎧 | Much Love for Open-source 🔓


Jan jaaannn
Master Student Intelligent System - THU
Lawrence Murray lawmurray
Probabilistic machine learning, high performance computing. Mostly C++.

Bangkok, Thailand

Masoud MasoudDehqani
Web Developer

@Sanjagh Tehran

Christer Holm codeforgedtech

Codeforged Tech Hofors

Cristiano Fernandes criscfer
Electrical Engineer in training (EIT) working as a software developer for the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Victoria

University of Victoria - SESIT Group Victoria, Canada

tungstengmd tungstengmd
professional trans idiot
Chirag Arora TheChirag356
Hi Everyone! My name is Chirag Arora and I am a B.Tech student currently in my first year. I am currently learning about the field of CyberSecurity, Linux etc.

Delhi, India

carlosfrontend carlosfrontend
Frontend Developer. Passionate about programming, ☕ and new technologies!.
pace pace777
Passionate about building things. Currently learning how OS works,

Kolkata, India

Eric Moolenbeek moolenbeek
Current focus on Sveltekit and PostgreSQL

Ottawa, ON

Gleb Gusev gleb-gusev

@blinkist Berlin, Germany

CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~🐮 neigh!🐴

Pasture Left-Up-Corner