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Ali_Eljerrari ali-eljerrari
MERN-Stack Maestro 🚀 Crafting powerful web experiences with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.

Coding_Dynasty Morocco

Christopher H. Stappert chstappert
rooting things since 1996.

@intrinsify EU-WEST

Julian Meinking DrJume
🎓 Allg. Informatik @ HTW Dresden.    💚 Vue.js & Node.js | 💙 TypeScript

@falcondev-it Dresden, Germany

ericroitzsch ericroitzsch
• Study @ HTW Dresden • Learning React & Vue


Julian Ullrich julianullrich99
Full stack Developer * started at age 13, never stopped loving code * efficiently converting caffeine to code * [email protected]

falconDev IT GmbH Dresden, Germany