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Hansey Lee HanseyLee
Peace and Joviality within heart.


Mike Helsel IamMikeHelsel
Engineering software, control systems and products. At times on the West coast, East coast, or the coast of Lake Michigan.


Benjamin Rigsby benjaminrigsby
Quantitative Developer & Engineer

Tampa, FL

Fábio da Rosa f4biogr
🐍 ☕️ 💻

Porto Alegre, Brasil

Anuj Tiwari aj11anuj
ML/DL Engineer | Contributor @kubernetes | Maintainer of Hindi L10n @cncf

Delhi, India

Kate, Z reboottime
A curious mind, a good fisherman

Rochester, NY

bishwamitre bishwamitre
Automation is cost cutting by tightening the corners and not cutting them.


Audrey Teles audreyteles
I am a developer and a technology enthusiast...

UFVJM | STI | DSI Minas Gerais

Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

manap_07 Alikhan3194
Hi! I'm a web developer with experience in creating responsive websites, also work extensively with Python for various tasks.
Dave Goobong Jeong Koomook
AI X Music ML engineer especially language modeling DevOps, Backend and a lit Frontend

@pozalabs Namsan Lab Korea powered by Facebook and ANF

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Buggy op-buggy

one piece Hangzhou

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
thinking in java ThomasHuang
Enjoy programming and enjoy life!

Mobile Internet, cloud computing company china shenzhen

Hi There! I am an aspiring Data Scientist & Tech Enthusiast.


Niks van Nimmer tonypithony
The Real Rock'n'Rolla her'n der

ガイレ_kabir-gaire kabirgaire0

株式会社フェズ Tokyo

Renato Freire dotorenato
Entusiasta em IA, automações e tecnologia
Daniel Karami Danielk84
Interested for learning...

Iran, Isfahan

Vipin Kumar Vipintomar0
🎯 Project/Product Management Professional | Backend Developer | Data Scientist I Serial Entrepreneur | ML/AI Engineer

Bajrang Sports Tech Delhi