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Nick Prokesch prokizzle

RoosterTeeth Austin, TX

Filipe W. Lima filipewl
Full-stack developer with experience working on Ruby on Rails apps. Recently worked with React, TypeScript, and NodeJS.

Recife, Brazil

Nichole nicholejeannine
Artist, engineer, social worker, and other.

California, CA

Aaron (Aron) Roh roharon
Server Software Engineer on @dramancompany's Engineering team.

@dramancompany - as @aaronroh-remember Seoul, Korea

Sandesh sandeshbodake
Senior SDE | Full-Stack Developer: RoR, React, AWS, Kotlin, PostgreSQL | Crafting Scalable Solutions 🌐 | Transforming Ideas into Digital Realities 🚀

Pune, India

Charlie Cheesman Ches-ctrl
What would you do if you had 10x more agency?

Cheddar 🧀 London

Hasnat Ahmed HASNAT204
Enthusiast Software Engineer
Nasrul Gunawan nasrulgunawan
Software Engineer

Bogor, Indonesia

Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE

Takalani Madau TakalaniMadau

Johannesburg, South Africa

Wicky wicky-andrian

@rails-id - @GitIndonesia Jayapura

Eduardo Lourenço elourenco
Senior software engineer

@dona-events Brazil

Software Development Engineer


Chris Coetzee chriscz
Full stack Ruby on Rails. Interested in all aspects of product development.


ciscoLegrand ciscoLegrand

@CheckealosUX Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Malachai malachaifrazier
startups, music, art. ruby is Love.

Metro Detroit, MI

Josh Powell joshRpowell

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Srikanth Rao M melagiri

BreezyHR Bengaluru, India

Uriel Enriquez UrielWebDev1515
"I'm passionate about exploring innovative ways to develop websites, applications, and technologies. My goal is to push boundaries!
Glauber Brennon gbrennon

São Paulo/SP - Brazil

Mani maniroudsari
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
dclark312 DamonClark
Software Engineer

Pittsburgh, PA

Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

MingyuanQin qinmingyuan
全方位 Web 应用开发者,基于 Rails

@work-design 中国·湖北

Matthew Zagaja mzagaja
Lawyer and software developer. Leadership Team at @codeforboston

@tedconf Boston, MA

Simmon Li crespire
Full Stack Rails Developer | Toronto Ruby Organizer | Rubyist

@switchgrowth, @toronto-ruby Toronto

Tyler Dooling tylerdooling Springfield, MO

Saiprasad Devare saiprasaddevare
Full Stack Web-Developer, ROR, ReactJS, Mysql, MongoDB, Docker


Julia Jubileu juliajubileu
Software Engineer

Teachable São Paulo, Brasil

Humberto Diaz humbertodiazp
Full Stack Developer - Ruby on the Rails
Alex Leasenco alexandrule
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, AWS, AI

Alex IT Development