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Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States


Pittsburgh, PA

Alex Mason amason445
Data Engineer who enjoys SQL, Python and C++


Deexith Parandaman DeexithParand2k2
Full Stack Developer 🚀 | Golang | JavaScript | Node.js | React.js | Hacktoberfest '23 🌟

Jman Group India

Kyle Crockett kaipyroami Los Angeles, CA

◄hollsteinm► hollsteinm
Simple programmer living the life.


Dirk zhaopengdirk
A software engineer who likes playing piano.

Fidelity Dalian

Johnbel Mahautiere JohnbelMDev
Full Stack Software Engineer with a passion to solve and inspire

Resilient coder Boston MA

T. Mohamed Nadhim Nadhim
President @ SSN Tech Club | FSE Intern @ Fidelity Investments | Senior @ SSN College of Engineering | Full Stack Developer | Minors in AI and ML Technologies

Fidelity Investments Chennai


London, UK

Will Berner WillBerner
Software Engineer at Fidelity Investments supporting the NetBenefits Homepage. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2020 - Computer Science B.S.

Fidelity Investments Research Triangle Park