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Angelos Mts aggelosmots

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece

Ryan Wells r-wells
Profound lover of software engineering.

Dallas, TX

Nemo Neiburger Nemojn
EECS Student at University of Michigan College of Engineering
DavidePerico daviperry
Space Engineer | PHD Student Aerospace Engineering @POLIMI

DART Group | Department of Aerospace Science and Technologies DART Lab

Anil Natha anilnatha

NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory California

Sam Yu yudataguy
Curious about learning almost everything

Los Angeles, California

manasatai69 ec21b1006

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Kancheepuram Chennai

Ali Mosallaei mosa11aei
Electrical Engineering @ University of Michigan.

@michiganengineering Ann Arbor, MI

Roberto Valenzuela roemvaar
Building secure embedded systems


Sean Marquez capsulecorplab
Solarpunk OSHW developer


Santino S sinisantino
Hi, I'm Santino S. 🐍 Feel free to check out my repo's or get in touch. [email protected]
Silent Whisper secureshadow
💻 Software Developer at Boira St3llar CubeSat.
Alexandros Tsagkaropoulos alextsagkas
M.Sc. in Control and Computing

University of Athens Athens, Greece

Eric D'Urso edurso
Computer Engineering @ UMich, Systems Engineer @ Wolverine Radar Co., Embedded Software @umrover

Wolverine Radar Company Ann Arbor, MI

PangFumin pangfumin
SLAM, Visual-Inertial Odometry, Multi-Sensor Fusion @ Segway Robotics

Beihang University (BUAA ) Beijing

Hao.Dong haodongnj
Not only a software guy :)


Ben Forster benfrstr

Jei Development Exeter

Michael Owens why-does-ie-still-exist
I like computers sometimes.

UC San Diego

Paolo Oliveira paoloo
Researcher and Senior System Engineer

Fortaleza, Brazil