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Evren Yeniev evrendev

Onarim GmbH Bremen

IONIC Corporation IonicCorporation-team
IONIC Corporation Is The Number One Category Software Company In Bangladesh Businesses ERP, Account Management & Any Business Management Software.

IONIC Corporation House # 18, Road # 01, Proschim Rayarbag, Jattrabari, Dhaka-1362.

Gabe Irina irinagabe

Glitchy Index Nairobi, Kenya

Duc Vo vovanduc
Software Developer

Việt Nam

GuangyiLi GuangYiL


Nhannht nhannht
Raising my bar higher than a average engineer


Anirudh S. Kumar Anirudh-S-Kumar
CSAI @IIIT-Delhi | Ex-Coordinator of @owaspiiitd and @d4rkc0de-club. Cybersecurity and Tech Enthusiast

@IIIT-Delhi Delhi, India

C++ | Python | Backend Development

7gfuse Karachi

Bibek Shah bibekshhh
A full-time ideator and a passionate problem solver.

@hyperce-io Kathmandu

Reda Ermich ermix3
🌟 Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JAVA & PHP


RIKI SUBAGJA Rikisubagja-14
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Gabriel Manzano manzano

CV CRM Aracaju / SE

Yakov Auster find-y
Бэкенд-разработчик на python. Текущий активный стек: DRF, FastAPI, Aiogram и сопутствующее (SQLAlchemy, Asyncio, CI-CD, контейнеризация и тд)
Salu Alhassan sky2626

Semades Kumasi, Ghana

Ken Thai kenmintae

San Francisco, CA

Tolga Aydemir aydemirtolga
🏢DevOps System Engineer @VodafoneTurkey 👨🏻‍💻Java 📌Computer Engineer

Vodafone Turkey Istanbul, Turkey

Guilherme Jansen guilhermejansen
Sou desenvolvedor Full Stack com experiência e bagagem desde 2005, minha tendência é foco em AI.

Setup Automatizado Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Louis Diehard704
Just looking to get into the cyber security area. My background is in ... other things. Any advice or knowledge that can help me out would be awesome and thanks

Queen City NC

Done ,

Egypt, duh

Jorge Reyes imreyesjorge
Knowledge enthusiast, coder, gamer, kinda designer and always up to learning.


Владимир Бондаренко x9ilx
Люблю FastAPI и backend, а так же разработку и проектирование баз данных.


Mubarek Juhar mubareksd
Full-stack developer with extensive experience in web, mobile and desktop application development.

@haroncomputer Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Elyas ElyasPicpay

Picpay Nossa Senhora do Socorro - Sergipe

NAHID HASAN nahidmbstu
Software Developer Prev: Finder GPS. [email protected]


Colby CoolColby23


khaled saeed K7413dS433d
Frontend Developer

10th of Ramadan, Sharkia, Egypt

Jagadish Moharana jagadishmoharana
💻 Aspiring Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) |🎓 BCA Graduate | 🚀 Passionate About Testing & Automation.

Jagatsinghpur, Odisha

Medam Greeshma Greeshma2903
Web Dev . UI Design . Communities . Scribbling


André Carvalho andreunix
Software Engineer 💻🌐
Eduardo Nizer Eduardonizer
Web Development Intern 🚀 My goal here is to collaborate with other developers and continue learning more about the world of technology.

@cgmultimidia Curitiba/PR