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Mykyta Shcherbyna mshcherbyna99
Full-stack developer passionate about problem-solving, coding, and innovation. Always exploring tech with curiosity and striving for constant growth.

Gdańsk, Republic of Poland

Oskar Jaskólski rrakso Szczecin, Poland

Faceless account for Hackerspace Trójmiasto
tymon zaniewski TymonZ
Electronic music producer learning how to code and design circuts

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Agnieszka S-D agnieszkastanczuk
Front-end developer//React.js/ JavaScript I code, because I love it <3


Kyryl Medvediev KM-Kinter
Python hobbyist, lover of everything that moves and is connected to electricity, 3D printing enthusiast, robotic maker

Warsaw, Poland

Simon SimonMolinsky
GIS, remote sensing, machine learning, time-series and spatial

AI, GIS, ML, MLOps, Python Helsinki, Finland

MEP engineer - Python - BIM
Arkadiusz Choruży achoruzy
Python, C++, C#, C | Unreal Engine, Unity, Shaders

Gdansk, Poland

Marta Sienkiewicz MartaSien
Programmer, 3D modeling enthusiast ✨

Hapag-Lloyd Gdańsk

Anthony Ronda anthonyronda
Virtual tabletop coding, virtual tabletop publishing, open source and game licensing. discord: corporat

@vttred NYC or Krakow

Kamila Glogowska k-glogowska
Security+ | LFCS | SC-900 | AZ-900 | IT Security Student | local nerd
Mikołaj Sobczak mikowhyHUB
I can exit VIM, what is your superpower?
Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski Web-ski
I'm a front-end developer with UX/UI skills.

Blue Media Gdańsk, Poland

Magdalena maknetaRo
Following my curiosity


KGrzeg KGrzeg

@bitbetterclub, @merakiacoustic, @hs3 Poland