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CasperGaming CasperGamingOne

Games4Everyone Romania

Jack soarn
The portal to your world and mine is only a glimpse and a lifetime away.

@ChewChat Gran Crevasse

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Silver0006 Silver0006
Casual Dev who now likes Python
John Kennedy Haringa Peña GDjkhp
just some random programmer who hates coffee

The Karakters Kompany Philippines

ADARSH MISHRA Adarsh630743
I m a normal person who loves the projects going on GitHub and I love to save the projects for my future use and updates.
Bilge bilgeaa
Honestly idk
Colin Hemphill colinhemphill
Front end developer in Texas

@bitly Austin, TX

Fuwn Fuwn
Teach principles, not formulas.


Maximilian Stiede ShirleyNekoDev
Junior Software Engineer @ EBP

EBP Deutschland GmbH Potsdam, Germany

伏輓晏 18075718492
Where there is a will, there is a way
Cuby3212 Cuby3212
La gata vtuber más rara y extraña de todo internet

Region of Murcia, Spain

aden lall adenlall
( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ Dev.

Virginia US

Cross dillfrescott

Coffee Drinker Earth

Shee Chi ItsAmazingWorld
Hi, i just sit here.


Swight SwightsNotFound
Some Minecraft guy.

United States

bsan biscuitsan
Python/JavaScript. Interested in scraping, LLMs, voice synthesis, and general moetech.

Falkien Technologies Inc

Federico Cangiotti federicocangiotti

Italy, Rimini

cube_master cube-m4st3r
Freedom through Technology. | Junior DevOps Engineer

dbh Logistics IT AG Germany

Rafael Bradley Nekidev
Just a human who codes as a hobby and want to visit japan one day. Py and TS/JS, learning Rust.


I code.


Dale Ryan lnfel
Full-stack Web Developer | ElysiaJS Community Ambassador

@Group-One-Technology Philippines

Bos Eriko Reyes BosEriko
i make apps... sometimes.

@BosEriko Philippines