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Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Bayge af-afk
Hacking defi incentives with Superposition and Fluidity Money at Fluidity Labs.

Fluidity Labs

Fraol Lemecha frectonz
Just another guy addicted to coding.

Ethiopia, Addis Abeba

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Sangwoo Joh sangwoo-joh

Samsung Research London, UK

Nyi Nyi nyinyithann
Software Developer
