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Simone simonepelosi
Software Engineer | Indie Developer

Remote Rome, Italy

Magical Quantum Compute qub1750ul
Eldrichean technomancer of the great Studium Salerni. I use Arch btw

University of Salerno, Italy

Angelo Pirola AngeloDotNet
Freelance Software Engineer


I'm a scientist student


Dmitri kanopo
나는 디모

@zucchetti Parma, Italy

Alberto albx
Software Developer, in love with Web and .NET | Host of UGIdotNET Spike Time | Microsoft MVP


Andrea Amaranto AndrewChop
Learner 📚 | Maker 👨🏻‍💻 | Explorer 🔍 | Dreamer 💭

Start & Go Innovative Solutions Pisa

Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Giuseppe Catillo gCattt

UniMoRe Modena 🇮🇹

Riccardo Mazza r1cc4rd0m4zz4
I use the power of knowledge to obtain a better version of ourselves in the infosphere
Gabriele Sisinna gsisinna
Robotics Software Engineer

Robotics Lab @ Flexlink (Coesia) Italy

Samuel Mediani SamMed05
A young developer from Italy


Dawit dawit-io
Freelance Angular | Spring Boot | .NET | AWS | Azure | developer

GOJO Digital Mantova, Italy

Christian Marangoni christianmarangoni
Open Source First ! Red Hat & Google

@google varese

Nando Sorbello sorbrex
I got my Master at Start2Impact University and I'm currently working as a Full Stack Developer at Movia S.p.A., in Catania.

Full Stack @ Movia S.p.A Catania, Italy

Edoardo Figini EdoardoFigini
Student at Politecnico di Milano

PoliMi Milan, Italy

Valerio T. valeriot30
Computer Engineer @unime

University of Messina Messina, Italy

Leonardo Biason ElBi21
💀 • the stephen hawking of bad ideas • ACSAI Student @ Sapienza • AFS volunteer • IT/BE • Contributor of @Sapienza-ACSAI and part of @sapienzastudentsnetwork

Myself (for now) Rome

Melissa melissaoml
writing bugs faster than git can track


Antonio Losapio VittorioEmanueleIII-diSavoia
Vero ultimo re d'Italia (non mio figlio) 156 anni (online 20) programmatore per passione re per dovere


Mattia Marchese FLAK-ZOSO

Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Filippo Berti Bertii1
