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Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Juan P. Fonseca-Zamora juanfonsecaLS1
Transport Planning

University of Leeds UK

Sam Allwood SamAllwood
Professional engineer turned urban data scientist, focussing on harnessing the data from our urban transport infrastructure
Pukar Bhandari ar-puuk
I am a Transportation Analyst at Metro Analytics and I am interested in Geospatial Data Analytics, particularly in land use and transportation.

Metro Analytics Atlanta, GA

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Robin Lovelace Robinlovelace
Professor of Transport Data Science, University of Leeds 🎓 Developer of open source solutions 🚶🚲🚀

University of Leeds UK

Egor Kotov e-kotov
Spatial Data Scientist, PhD Student at @MPIDR and UPF

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany

Eugeni Vidal-Tortosa eugenividal

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Sabadell

Jayita Chakraborty JayitaCh
I work as a Data Scientist at LIDA

University of Leeds Leeds

Sunyu Wang sywang-20

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

mvaz_95 mavazvar95
Civil Engineer, Transport & Traffic Specialist

Universidad de A Coruña A Coruña, Galicia, Spain.

Geo Data Science, Network Science, Designerd. Working with spatial data. PhD candidate in causal modelling.

University of Bristol Shanghai/ London

Roberto Salas robsalasco
Quantitative Political Scientist, GIS Specialist, R, Python & Javascript developer.

Santiago, Chile

Qunshan qszhao
Professor in Urban Analytics, Urban Big Data Centre & Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences

University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Oladeji Olajubu deji-dylan
Versatile Data Analyst | Civil Engineer | GIS Enthusiast

Leeds, United Kingdom

Chongjin Wang loqiu
Student of University of Leeds
John Wang CodeJohnw
A Transport Engineer and An Explorer in CS


Yuki Lai hongyue17
Data Analyst with a background in Architecture, dedicated to applying data-driven strategies to address spatial and urban challenges with innovative solutions.

London - United Kingdom

Transport. Data. city blender.
Marc Bosch marcboschmatas
Policy analyst, open data, open software, open knowledge.
Silver silver331177
A student

USST shanghai

TECDOM tecdom
Consultoria em TI, 100% ONLINE

TECDOM - Técnica e Domínio

Julie Gravier JGravier
Permanent Researcher at CNRS, ThéMA Research Lab

CNRS Besançon


Leeds, United Kingdom

Nilesh Kumar nilesh14k

Leeds, United Kingdom

Qian Fu mikeqfu
Research Fellow in data integration & analytics | CoSeC Fellow

University of Birmingham

amarin asiripanich

Department of Transport and Planning, Victoria, Australia

Anna Reiffer Annasssophie

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Joey Talbot joeytalbot
Research Fellow in Transport Data Science

University of Leeds Leeds

Blaise Kelly BlaiseKelly
Interested in air quality, energy and geospatial analysis


Xiang Liu davewow

Tongji University Shanghai

Dr Alex Stead AlexStead
Lecturer in Transport Economics, @itsleeds @universityofleeds
