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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Android & Web GIS Developer, Indie Hacker

Batam, Indonesia

Dimas Seto Wicaksana Shironim
Aspiring Web Developer | Lifelong Learner ✨

Semarang, Indonesia

Novin Ardian Yulianto novinbukannopin
gabisa ngoding

PT. Solomon Indo Global Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Felix Kiptoo fkiptooh
MERN | Java | Angular | Python

Nairobi, Kenya

Rafli Ardiansyah bulgogipedas
An inquisitive, agile and hardworking person. Passionate in data analytics, product and machine learning. Keep learning and looking for opportunities to grow.

Universitas Brawijaya Bandung

moch mochdhera03


Yusep Maulana maulanayuseph
This universal is the worst, only those with strength can survive. Hybrid | Remote | On-site.

Bandung, Indonesia

Faisal Nugraha Cayunda faisalcayunda
Educate people who don't know about code


Mochammad Endyarroziqin ozzy9h20
Newbie, Still Learning...

Semarang, Indonesia

Cecep Rokani ceceprokani Bandung, Indonesia

afiqur rahman afiqbomboloni
Fullstack Laravel, Golang, dan Node js


M.Hakim Amransyah Mhakimamransyah
to collaborate and get motivate
Akhmad Fauzi A-fauzi
👋 Hi there! I'm Akhmad Fauzi 👨‍💻 I'm a passionate Android Development, deeply in love with the world of Kotlin, and constantly striving to make better⚡

+62 | Bekasi, Indonesia

Moch Asef Saefudin fesaworld

DISKOMINFO Prov. JABAR Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Rayhan Yulanda RayhanYulanda
I'm a programmer. I am high motivated person with strong willing to learn and grow. I also like challenges to develop my soft skills and hard skills.

@Diskominfotik-Banda-Aceh Indonesia

Reza Donsika Putra rezadonsikaputra
Informatics Student at Telkom University, Bandung.

Telkom University Kota Bandung

ilhamramadhan ilhamramadhqn
Backend Developer


Eko Pebrisulistiyo ekopebri
stupid is as stupid does
webelegan webelegan
Internet Marketer, Android Developer, Desktop , Webbased Programmer, Game Maker, 3D Desainer.

webelegan banyuwangi

Ida Bagus Wedagama Ibwedagama
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

Jabar Digital Service Bali, Indonesia

Regina Citra Pesela eggypesela
a civil engineer that trying to learn how code works. Using github to develop & use open-source software to accelerate BIM, GIS and asset management workflow

Jakarta, Indonesia

Faisal Amir amirisback

@frogobox @teamqomunal @deltadox Probolinggo, Indonesia

Ricki Subagya rickisubagya
An undrafted Data Analyst who enjoy dealing with complex problems, looking for rookie year as a Data Analyst or Business Intelligence.


Asky M Asky-M
|| for pleasure || for learning || for the future thanks for support


Nisrina Rohadatul Aisy nisrinaraisy

@jabardigitalservice Bandung, ID

Ikhsan H Ikhsanheriyawan2404
Junior Backend Developer

Cirebon, Penangisan

fiqri rizal fiqririzal
Hanya Seorang manusia biasa

universitas kebangsaan Bandung