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码农朱哲 snice
Full Stack engineer


Bob Edmonston inzan

inzan San Diego, CA

tingxins tingxins
AIGC/AGI/Qt/Win/Mac/iOS Dev @tingxins

ByteDance Inc. Shenzhen, China

Cao Phuoc Thanh caophuocthanh
Mobile & NodeJS Developer. Have a passion for Object-C, Swift, C, and opensource. In my first job which I make Tweak, Daemon, tools for iOS jailbreak. TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Sharat Chandar M SharatChandar
FullStack Developer

@quizcatalyst Coimbatore

Angelos Staboulis angelosstaboulis
iOS Developer

@CFAthens Komotini

Balaji Balaji-Govind

OptiSol Business Solutions

Ramaswamy T.N. tnram-optisol
Passionate Web Developer.


kesani pradeep kumar pradeepkesani12

Optisol Business Solutions Chennai

Muahmmad Murteza Murteza12
IOS development with passion, Web and App designing for a hobby and Content creation for spreading what I've learnt from my mistakes.

JazzCash Pakistan

Pankajkcodes pankajkcodes
Software Engineer
