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Badr Bouslikhin badrbouslikhin
Electrical engineer, an software enthusiast.

Lyon, France

Tim Kuilman timkuilman

Utrecht, the Netherlands

Rainer Zaiser RainerZ

Vector Informatik GmbH Germany

Max Grollmann maxgr0
Creating Forward Momentum ⚡ Co-Founder & CTO @ JUCR

@jucr-io Berlin, Germany

Raphael Udoka Chinenye Rapixar
Systems Engineer || DevOps, Cloud and Site Reliability || ML & AI
Florian Topf FlorianTopf
In the rear with the gear.


Robert Wade RobertWade
Creator of things, writer of code and blogger.


Kristiaan krispretoorsjucr

@jucr-io Berlin, Germany

Matheus Oliveira matheusiacono
Enterprise Applications Engineer

Alteos Berlin, Germany

Agustin Gonzalez Nicolini agusgonzaleznic
I love building products and teams using serverless architectures, infrastructure as a code and creating culture around our passion.

@agusgonzaleznic-org Berlin, Germany