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Massimo Caliman mcaliman
Software Architect, Developer, Java enthusiast.


Imagine, design, solve, code, enjoy life. Ceo at ClassX - @classxdev on twitter

ClassX srl Tuscany, Italy

Alessandro AleOnta
Hi there, i am Alessandro and i am a 26 yo Junior Full Stack Developer from Italy (Milan).

Milan, Italy

Nunzio Castelli disorder75
In love with opensource projects, embedded, iot, 3d printers and cybersec,. System integrator & software developer with C and Java.

Università degli Studi di Milano Milano

Giacomo Russo Giako
Software engineer, GNU/Linux passionate, retro/indie gamer, trance music lover, Formula 1 fanatic. 🇪🇺👨‍💻🖖🐧🎮🏎️

M-Cube Digital Lecce, Italy