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Parin Chaipunya parinchaipunya
An applied mathematician at KMUTT (Bangkok) working in multiple aspects of Optimization and Variational Analysis. Focusing on Energy+Environmental Applications.

KMUTT Bangkok

SeongJoon Yoon muk-jjang

KHU IE & SWCON Korea, Seoul

Rory Yarr roryyarr
Mathematics Gradurate

@NUAC-AV Melbourne

Jagadeesh Jagadeeshkb
Statistical Programmer | Clinical

Cytel Chennai

Antoine Aspeel aaspeel

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

edward.ix edxmorgan


Wisdom Tree LMumu1

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology

Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

James Glynn jamesglynn
Energy Systems Engineer with >20 years experience. Senior Expert in IEA-ETSAP TIMES ESOM framework Ireland

Hadir Garcia hadirgax
I'm thinking about data science, web engineering, and supply chain optimization.


Aijunly Aijunly
I, Aijunly WANG, am poor worker for math.

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Hoang Minh Phan HoangMinhPhan

KU Leuven Belgium



Mohamed Awnallah mohamedawnallah
Open Source Data Engineer exploring new frontiers and touching the stars with the power of data. ✨ GPG key: 3AB41BED6DC9C9188A65C5965D55706029E9B87E

Open to remote data engineering opprtunities Remote

Avinash Subramanian avinashresearch1
Modeling, Simulation, Optimization & Control

Trondheim, Norway

Ryan O'Neil ryanjoneil
Decision Science — Integer and Constraint Programming. Decision Diagrams. Cat and early music enthusiast. Founding Prefers Go, Python, and Julia.

@nextmv-io the internet

Ebrahim Pichka ebrahimpichka
Machine Learning Research Assistant/MSc Engineering Student.

Ontario, Canada

Ph.D Student in Transportation Engineering, Container Transportation

Central South University

Yumeng Fang YMF2022
PhD candidate at LISER and University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research Luxembourg

tlming16 tlming16
Show me the code.

China. Shanghai

Yi-Nung Tsao ytsao

University of Luxembourg Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg

Luca Modica lucamodica
Research fellow @ University of Turin, Data Science & AI student @ Chalmers University of Technology. Usually writing code, creating things and analyzing stuff

Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden

Caio Enzo CaioEnzo23
O meu objetivo atual e ingressar no mercado de trabalho da área de Dados e poder mostrar a qualidade dos meus serviços e poder crescer aprendendo cada vez mais.

Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Karl Zhou DrZhouKarl
Engineer, PhD.

Xiaomi beijing

ElBe2049 EliasGit2017
🐍 ☕:camel: 🧠

Sorbonne Université (UPMC) Paris, France