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< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) β€’ 3D β€’ Designer β€’ Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum β€’ Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
DevCutup cutupdev
Solana (smart contract | trading bots)

Freelancer World

felipe fama FelipeFama
Front End Developer


Luqman luqmandaut
My Luqman From malaysia


JessΓ© Lopes Jesse-Lopes
UX/UI Designer, Web Designer and Front-End Developer. Currently studying to become a BlockChain Developer, at CΓ³digo Brazuca.

BrasΓ­lia, Brazil

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Amir Ekbatanifard AMIRKHANEF
Full Stack JS Developer && ZKP researcher
Hiroshi infinith4
Computer Engineer. Mathematics, Statistics


simba simba0808
Full Stack - JS/TS, Go, Rust, Solidity
Patrick unenunciate
A general-purpose person.
savokiss savokiss
You know nothing, SpongeBob.


Hashan Liyanage HashanLi94
β€œIn the end, it all comes down to 0 and 1β€πŸ˜ŽπŸ•πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“πŸ’―

Arimac lanka Sri lanka

Nayanajith Priyasad nayane95
I am a student from the Department of Computing & Information Systems, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.

Arimac Lanka Induruwa

Henry Aviles Haviles04
Vue/React Dev

New York

Code K CodeK1988


Anmol Bansal AnmolBansalDEV
Full Stack Engineer Holonym | LFX Mentee'23 @hyperledger | XROS fellow @gmetrixr | UNESCO India Africa Hackathon winner | SIH'22 winner | EthIndia Winner

Holonym Uttar Pradesh, India

brettjessen brettjessen
Management at UPS for 16 years, enjoy spending free-time experimenting with coding and building different projects.

UPS / PersonaFi

Himkar Himkar

Nodics Bangalore

JianLin Ke kejianlin
πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Full-Stack Developer 🌈 Dream:Digital Nomad,World Travel

Looking For A Remote Job Shenzhen, China

Ramo prury
Blender 🧊 | Blockchain πŸ”‘ | Nature 🌳 | Sentinel at Talisman Wallet πŸ’‚ | Quality Assurance πŸ’»

@TalismanSociety Brazil

lungern xiiiAtCn
full stack engineer rust amateur


Cyphadoc cyphadoc
Software Engineering student @alx | Blockchain Dev | Content Creator | Web3Nerd Podcast host | Polkadot Ambassador | Medical Doctor
Rio Jos riojosdev
Does backend programming with NodeJS. Currently experimenting with Rust πŸš€
Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth

LOISEL tracyloisel
Senior software engineer Ruby on Rails since october 2006

@equipetechnique Paris

Ozeddd Ozeddd
Content creator. @koda
Crypto X xtaCrypto
Crypto enthusiast -Content creator - Searching for new challenges