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Alwin T alwinsDen
To the Moon and beyond 🌖 🚀

@dashwave Mysore, KA

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Senior Software Engineer

@iDesoftSystems Italy

Samwel Otieno OtienoSamwel
Software Developer

Univus Inc Nairobi

Joakim Taule Kartveit MikAoJk
Software developer, passionate about coding simple applications

@navikt Norway

Renz basurahan
What if I started trying?

Dacanay Street, San Fernando City La Union

Bartek Pacia bartekpacia
software developer, technology enthusiast, open source enjoyer • Google Code-in winner • 22y

@JetBrains Amsterdam

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Zach Baird ZachBaird
Husband, father, full-stack developer. Maintainer at @TheOdinProject. Software Architect at @stoke-tech.

Pennsylvania, United States of America



Leo Mark leomarkpaway
Delving into Jetpack Compose
Osip Fatkullin osipxd
Software Developer at @JetBrains @ktorio

@JetBrains Serbia

Mani Zaeim mani-zaeim
Java/Kotlin/Python/Go/Rust Developer - Software Architect - Sys Admin


Amit Kumar amitthecoder
Android App Developer | Open Source Contributor GSSoC’24 | Kotlin Programmer | Jetpack Compose | Google Play Console

@amitthecoder INDIA

Renan Bispo Renan-Bispo
Analise e desenvolvimento de Sistemas 💻
Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Patrick Hettich Pat992

Lead developer at QUIBIQ AG Switzerland

kelvin Ojiako KelvinOjiako
A Bmen major

K+ Texas

Erik Shafer erikshafer
Software engineer. Life long learner.

Event Store Omaha, NE

Jianxing Zhang xingole

WuHu City in China

Rattly Rattlyy
Kotlin ❤️, Java and Web (HTML/CSS/JS + PHP/JS Backends) Developer.


rohit chavan rroohit
| Android developer | Kotlin | Java | Jetpack-Compose | AOSP Dev. |


Henrique Luiz henriquelluiz

BANESTES S/A Espírito Santo, Brasil

Rocky_ RockyXRQ
FRC mentor and alumni in team 8214 Cyber Unicorn

@FRCNextInnovation Hongkong