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Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.


Ze-Yi LIN Zeyi-Lin
CPO@EmotionMachine; Product Owner@SwanLab; Ph.D. Student@XDU;

EmotionMachine Beijing

@kingfs kingfs


Huang Kai nice-journey

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zhongkai Zhao KKZ20
MS student @ National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

peihuanni PeihuanNi
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Lu Ming lu-m13
Computer Graphics and 3D Vision

Intel Labs China Beijing

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

jnight jnightlee

Guangdong Research Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Guangzhou china

MoonShadow moonshadow-25
Ripple across the universe like a supernova explosion

Nova AI

HeyTsang Tsanghey

SHK Shanghai

Wei Wu lxww302

TikTok San Jose

Formerly EE, Currently CS @ HUST | Curr State: SEGV, Killed

Voile, the Magic Library

fancyGG_bond fanyty
Barry_zhang LuyuZhang00
SJTUer | SDE & Quant-Dev | HWer | ex-CFI Inter

Shanghai JiaoTong University Shanghai

Qihang Zhang Qihang-Zhang
Phd student of ECE@UBC. Prev: Undergraduate student of DA@THU


HansTech hanstechnow

South China Normal University

cz xieren58 ShenZhen, China