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Panchal Mukunda K panchalmukundak
Freelancer Full-Stack Developer at @Tacnix

@tacnix Mumbai, Maharashtra. India

Ethan Facca untypequicode
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Bordeaux. J’utilise principalement Python, C++, HTML et CSS.

Université de Bordeaux France

Éloi Rivard azmeuk

@yaal-coop Bordeaux - France

Stephanie Nadeau LaunchedBerry07
Professional Language Practitioner & Hobbyist Programmer

Freelancer Montreal, Quebec, Canada

dominicusin dominicusin
contantly changeable

Hitech inc. The local group of Galaxies

Jimmy Carter jcii
Past: Leaf on the wind Current: Cog in the machine Future: Build houses


Ben Borges benborges
DevOps in the making Currently :

Barcelona - Paris - Lisbon - Kyiv

Henrik Hüttemann HerHde
Isn't it paradox to publish Free Software via GitHub? At least I'm not using Sublime on Wintendo or iApple to create it.

@verdigado @hacker-coop Paderborn, Germany

Just a person who likes games and computers.


eapo eapo

VáLTó (VLT) - The Independent CryptoEcoSystem Székelyföld