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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Duke Dorje dukedorje
Building protocols for enlightened society, tools for human freedom using decentralized tech. Identikey, Holochain, World Tree Network Foundation.


tcardlab tcardlab
💡 Life Pro Tip – Toaster strudels taste better with Nutella

SAO, Null Island

Efrén Carbajal efrence

Guadalajara, Mexico

Siddharth Doshi sidoshi

Software Engineer at @freight-hub Berlin

Jaehyun Lee DavidLee18
a Programming Language enthusiast, loves tacit code


Mateus Nobre mateusnobre

São Paulo, Brazil

Nicolás Georger ngeorger
Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Founder of @sredevopsorg

@SREDevOpsOrg Chile

Tsiry Sandratraina tsirysndr
Building @fluentci-io and @pocketenv-io 🦀 🦕 ❄️ 🧑‍🔬 💻 🚀

@fluentci-io Antananarivo / Madagascar

Aman Agarwal amanx123
Full Stack Software engineer


Haiko Schol haikoschol
On a mission to increase the cat content on the internet. 😻

international association of nomadic couch potatoes Thailand

Glenn Lewis gmlewis
Glenn is a software developer currently intrigued by IRMF, RISC-V, Wasm, WebGPU, Modus, Spin, Extism, MoonBit, and Go. Contact him via KeyBase @gmlewis

Orlando, FL

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

wildeyes wildeyes
like: hacking dislike: bikeshedding


Zoo Sky zoosky
Just trying something new.
Ryan Riley wiserockryan
Principal Software Engineer @WiseRock

@WiseRock Houston, TX, USA

weiyang wy-z
凡大道有争者, 皆为歧路, 有穷尽处
John Ranzie jaranzie
Stony Brook CS Grad
flow hyp3rflow
loves crafting on the shoulder of giants

@teamprex Seoul, Korea

Dean Srebnik load1n9
JavaScript/TypeScript and Rust mostly. Invited expert for @wintercg. Co-founded the @tryandromeda JS/TS runtime. @denosaurs, and @trynova member

New Jersey

Daniel Morandini dmorn

@kim-company Bolzano (BZ), IT

Brian Bonsignore bbonsign

Cary, NC

0xWaveWalker 0xWaveWalker
Freelancer with a strong interest in things like Cloud, Blockchain, IoT, or Distributed Systems.


Davirain DaviRain-Su
A Rust & OCaml developer.


Grzegorz Wierzowiecki gwpl
just few of my alter-egos: @gww-fuel, @gww-certik, @gww-parity, @gwchsec

Europe - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin

AnonniX AnonniX
I'm an Anon Superuser that likes everything Unix/Linux & FOSS related - in addition to all other things in life that are cool.

AnonniX Bahamas

Shoubhit Dash nexxeln
slow vim user

@t3-oss terminal

牧心 imuxin
Program was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
