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Eduard Carreras ecarreras
I'm a Python developer and Firefighter... but fighting against IT fires. Co-Founder and CTO of @gisce

GISCE TI, S.L. Girona

rico trebeljahr
programmer, traveler, photographer. not necessarily in that order.

Self-Employed Berlin

Pascal Tomschi pascatl
Geography and Geoinformatics

WhereGroup Erlangen

Hemant Kamalakar hemantkamalakar
Home automation, IoT and data science enthusiast.

Pune, India

Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer


yuiseki yuiseki
Product manager & Software engineer

Yuiseki Inc. Taito, Tokyo, Japan

Tobias Rosskopf TobiasRosskopf
- Master of Science Environmental Engineering - Hydrologist and hydraulics engineer - Project engineer at @bgswasser - Coder in Python, TypeScript and Rust

@bgswasser Dieburg, Hessen, Germany

Pavel Lang langpavel

Pavel Lang Hradec Králové, Czech Republic