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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yide Zhang yzhang34

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

YKWwww NZ666666
Metaheuristic algorithm; Machine Learning; Parameter identification; Bayesian statistic; Structural health monitoring.
Haopeng Duan hpduan2000

Central South University

Arvasu Gupta Silver-Gen
I am an aspiring Data Scientist and Game Developer with a keen interest in tackling niche problems and implementing solutions using C/C++ Rust, Python and R.


Luca killwa666
Luca from MIT Age :19
Craig Clifford craig-clifford
Database and web-app developer. 5U/MU MoogFormat synthesizer and Eurorack hardware developer.

Columbus, OH USA

Gangli Liu mike-liuliu
Machine learning, mathematical optimization, deep learning, graph theory, clustering.
Siddharth Vaghela artineering
Senior Engineer @ Mathworks, PhD Student @ Tufts CS, Tinkerer + Maker + Artist

@Mathworks Boston

Omnia Ahmed Moniaar
An electronic engineering student who is passionate about debugging, AI, designing appealing UI, and whole other things that are Art related.


Ian Mackenzie IanMackenzie0909
嗨咿~~ 這裡是 Ian Mackenzie 的內庫,內庫的主子(本喵)是個大學準畢業生。 傳聞,本喵很瘋很起笑跟賓士貓很像(ㄣˊ?我好像就是XD),別被我嚇著了! 就這樣,掰咿~~