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Ademola John Crownedprinz
C#|Python|.Net|Angular|Javascript|NodeJs SLOGAN:Write code that won't make your friend on duty wake up in the middle of the night.

Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, Indiana

Arshpreet Singh Sandhu ArshSSandhu
Software Development Intern at Medical Informatics Engineering | CS undergrad at Purdue University (Honors)

Medical Informatics Engineering Indiana

Maxwell Klema maxklema

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Martin Carapia martincarapia
I make things sometimes
Sudarshan sudarshan-krishnan

Purdue University Unites States

Prakhar Verma iPrakharV
CS @Purdue | Regional Manager @codeday | Organizer @GDG-on-Campus-Purdue-University-FW

@codeDay @purdue United States

Doug Horner horner

Medical Informatics Engineering, Inc. Fort Wayne, IN