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Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Konrad Krawczyk krawc

Delft, Netherlands

Timo Erdelt tmrdlt
Full Stack Software Engineer @squer-solutions

@unit214 Munich, Germany

Michelle Zen mimizen
25, Genius, HCI-Master Student @ LMU Munich

Lehrstuhl für Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media

Jeremy WU ghostjeremy


Ilir Hajrullahu ilirhajrullahu
Software Engineer who likes building complex software. CS Master student at LMU Munich.


Rebecca everyCoolNameWasAlreadyTaken
HCI-Master Student @ LMU Munich
Jian Zheng jzheng23

University of Maryland, College Park College Park, Maryland

Riley Fiske rdfiske17
Math/CS/DS Student at Concordia College, Summer 2023 visiting research intern at the LMU Munich, Germany in HCI mobile research

Concordia College - Moorhead Fargo-Moorhead, USA

Timo Köthe timokoethe

@LMU @QAware @mimuc Munich

Tim Weiß timweiss
breaking things by day and fixing them at night ✨🌈

@mimuc and Siemens Energy Germany

Ian Zhang IanBoyanZhang
Learning to design chips
Simon R. simonroedig
Designer 🎨 and Developer 👨‍💻

LMU Munich - Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Germany

Louisa Bekker msphoenix
Media Informatics and HCI student. Mainly into web development and software engineering. </> Java, Python, JavaScript, Vue.js, React, HTML/CSS

Munich, Germany

N-Tranced n-tranced Canada


BGI Shenzhen

Lou Süsslin suesslin
Master's Student of Data Science at TU Wien. LMU Munich Computer Science Alumnus.


Amanuel Ghebreweldi Agheb
Human being. Student @lmu. Fueled by Paulaner Spezi


Florian Bemmann Flo890
PostDoc in Human Computer Interaction at LMU Munich

LMU München Munich, Germany

bkyuchuk bkyuchuk
Computer Science postgrad

@LMU Munich, Germany

FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire
silvia cybere11a
experiments in the cloud


Jan J0ekr

@mimuc Munich

Francesco Chiossi FrancescoChiossi
PhD Student at HCUM, LMU Munich

LMU Munich

Changkun Ou changkun
Science and art, life in between.

Researcher @mimuc and Engineer @Sixt Munich, Germany