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Running Notebook and Machine Learning Arrays of Calculating Tensor Arrays 🦒

Ole Olessiall Ålesund

Cody Fincher cofin

@googlers Dallas, TX

Etdi J. etdij

Bali, Indonesia

Steve O. gmoz22

Los Angeles, CA

Nayla Chagas nhawlao
Utilizando ciência e criatividade na luta contra os vieses. Estagiária em Engenharia de Dados - A3Data Pesquisadora científica - @lamid-ufs
islam samy islamsamy214
Software Engineer

Dubai, UAE

adam james gopy-art
create my world into programming


Kylian Bardini kbrdn1
Web Developer and Software Engineer. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Development Engineering and Software Architecture from Nancy.

@FlippadTeam Nancy, Lorraine, France

zhuwenxing zhuwenxing

@milvus-io Shanghai

Tom Phan phanOne
New to programming

THP Irvine, CA

Ajay Pawar AjayPawarExist
Crafting elegant solutions by day, exploring hidden cafes by night. I turn coffee into code and dreams into apps.


Geoffrey britisharmy
Data Science.


hawskpy hawskpy
Android, iOS,PHP,Node.js

China Beijing

Anton Piskunov antonydevanchi
self-employed at @PSKNV ← BISO at Wildberries ← CISO at @konsolpro ← Deputy CTO at @vostbank

@psknv Russia, Moscow

王子凌 wangziling

Lenovo Chengdu, China

Francis Rafal francisrafal
Working on solving functional illiteracy and invisible language work with Totoy.

Totoy Vienna, Austria

Strive to formulate elegant code, simple design and friendly machine
Will Starkie MrStark7797
Southampton university Student

Southampton University

John Wei johngai19
Solution Architect | AI & Data Science Expert | IoT & Cloud Full-Stack Developer | PMP

Fano Lab Hong Kong

Isaac Junio isaacjunio
Cloud Network Engineer
Vitalie vitalijalbu

Craftus Brescia