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Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Douglas Gustafsson douglasgustafsson
AudioVisual Preservation

Riksarkivet Stockholm

Brian E. Davis tvc15brian

Oregon State University

Sander in 't Hout h3x4d3c1m4l
App Developer at @thenextappnl at daytime. Doing some personal projects (mostly @momentobooth) and gaming at nighttime. I mostly use Flutter, Rust and C#.

@thenextappnl The Hague, Netherlands

Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


Tom Ackroyd tomackroyd
Primarily here to learn how to use and contribute to vrecord and dvrescue
Libby Hopfauf libbyhopfauf

Seattle Municipal Archives & Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound Seattle, WA

Dave Abbott daveabbott

Melbourne, Australia

Gabriella Skollar gabiskollar
I am a graduate student at UCLA Communication Department. I study gibbon vocalizations. I am the Director of the Gibbon Conservation Center in Santa Clarita, CA

Gibbon Conservation Center

Matt Kanninen mathiastck
Android dev, gamer, dad

Lead at Walgreens, Ex Google, Ex Facebook, Ex MySpace, Ex EA Fremont