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José Oliveira (Zeca) zecaoliveira
Aficionado por tecnologia e astronomia!

Rio de Janeiro

Elias Häußler eliashaeussler
$(curl -I -s | grep -i x-bio | cut -d' ' -f2-)

Münster (Germany)

Aleksandra Perko-Klomfaß knospe-
Product Owner Customer Experience

maxcluster GmbH Germany

sivaramsajeev sivaramsajeev
SRE ❤️ DevSecOps

WilliamHill Halifax, UK

Kevin Meckl kevinmeckl
☁️ Backend Developer

zdreicom NW, Germany

Andrej heyiswas

@mittwald Germany

Apprentice, interested in all things Tech. Trying to become a Cloud Engineer / Cloud Solution Architect or Cybersecurity specialist. Loves Open Source


Tamaro Skaljic tamaro-skaljic

Gascade Gastransport GmbH Kassel

Super super622
I am Software Developer. Cautious Attitude + Perfect Understanding + Quality Work + Fast Speed = Excellent Result + Business Success, this is my working style
Yannik Hewlik ynn1k
Software Developer at CGI Space and part time at @go-yeets. the muun! 👨‍🚀🚀

@go-yeets Germany

Vaniot Firstnsnd

BeiJing China

Daniel Reif DaRe92

Oberfranken, Deutschland


Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Johannes laundy
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Java, MySQL, NodeJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Laravel, Lumen, Android


Maxime SOURDIN maxime-sourdin

Orange Business Rennes

Gokhan th0th
I build stuff I wish existed.
Tim Narr timnarr
Freelance Frontend Developer and UI Engineer, focused on performant and responsive web interfaces.

Freelancer Germany, Lüneburg

Kubilay Melnikov kubilaymelnikov
Fachinformatiker / TYPO3 / JavaScript

Wineworlds GmbH Germany

Elissa Martinez elmartinezc

Mittwald CM Service Rahden, Germany

SRE, Platform & Infrastructure Engineer


Sina Reimers sinareim

Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG

Michael Gnessner Epoche-Napoleon
This is not a professional Github profile. I'm the owner of the website and I presennt some files to develop for this site.


Andreas Vogt lmrkavogt

@lamarketingDE Erdmannhausen, Germany

Thomas Löbel The-Web-Designer

The Web Designer Sachsen, Germany

Andreas Einmahl Einmahl

Einmahl WebSolution GmbH Cologne, Germany

Muhammad Fariz Maulana Farizmln
QA Automation Engineer

PT Serasi Autoraya Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Sven Schuppel Schuppel1
Onlinemedien Student at DHBW Mosbach Working as a web developer at @ahornlabs

@ahornlabs Heidelberg, Germany