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Tony tonnyjs
Engineer information system

unix lab Kazakhstan

Adrian Pelcaru addi-p
PhD student in theoretical physics with focus on causal inference in nonlinear dynamical systems and application to biological complex systems

Technische Universität Dresden Dresden


atwork Savar, Dhaka

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

rohit kumar rohitwtbs
trying to figure out the game of 0 and 1. My thoughts in a virtual present through Python and C/C++.

@Siemens India

Vadim Ponomarev jesuscaesar
A promising full-stack developer, the creator of Eurohouse brand, love indulging myself with video games, gourmet food and beautiful women.

Eurohouse (@eurohouse) Worldwide

Jacob Helfman jjhelfman
Mapping 🌎 by night 🌚 and day 🌞. Using Python and Esri technology for automating Geographic Information Systems workflows.

San Diego, California

Nikita Koselev, Open Source DevRel nikitakoselev
I ❤️ Open Source OpenUK Ambassador Snyk Ambassador

Together, We Open Source United Kingdom