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Stella stellaprins
Research Software Engineer

Advanced Research Computing, UCL London

Joshua Daniel j0shua-daniel
Creating a blazing fast VM manager, that just works!

Reading, Berkshire

maliksinan sinanmalik43
Neuronal Plasticity group


Felipe Cybis Pereira FelipeCybis
PhD candidate at @PhysMedParis - Research Engineer @Iconeus

Physics for Medicine Institute and Iconeus Paris, France

JaerongA JaerongA
Data Scientist & Engineer | computational neuroscience

UT Health Houston


UCL London

Yaroslav Halchenko yarikoptic

Dartmouth College, @dandi, @Debian, @DataLad, @neurodebian, @PyMVPA, @fail2ban Planet Earth

Igor Tatarnikov IgorTatarnikov

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre London

Marvin Albert m-albert

Institut Pasteur Paris, France

Pradeep Rajasekhar pr4deepr
Bioimage Analyst with a background in neuroscience and engineering. Particularly interested in Python, machine learning, data visualisation and analysis.

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Melbourne, Australia

Roberto RobertoDF
Spanning time

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin

Kushaan Gupta kushaangupta
finding my way

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

iamFarhan imeMFK01

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Lahore, Pakistan

florian6973 florian6973

New-York, United States

brunocruz bruno-f-cruz

@AllenNeuralDynamics Seattle

Sam Cunliffe samcunliffe
Senior research software engineer @UCL-ARC.

@UCL-ARC Cambridge / London

Philipp Flotho phflot
I am a researcher working at the intersection of computer vision, neuroscience, and bioinformatics, focusing on cross-domain challenges.

Saarland University

Wisam Reid wisamreid
(1) PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School (2023), SHBT (2) MA, Stanford University (2017), Music, Science, & Technology (3) BS, UC Berkeley (2014), EECS


Rory Bedford rory-bedford
Neuro Data Scientist @ MRC-LMB

Cambridge, UK

Hernando Martinez Vergara HernandoMV
Ramon y Cajal Fellow at Idibaps

IDIBAPS Barcelona, Spain

Guillaume Le Goc GuillaumeLeGoc
Research associate at Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI), France.


Raahul Singh Raahul-Singh
GSoC'20 @sunpy (OpenAstronomy) | AI Research Engineer

Phaidra Dehradun, India

Adam Tyson adamltyson
Neuroscientist and software developer

@SainsburyWellcomeCentre London

Samuel Mba Samuel-Mbah
Pioneer epilepsy and neurological disorder diagnosis & treatments through artificial intelligence & computational solutions.

University of Witwatersrand South Africa

Francesco Pisu francescopisu
Research engineer in Medical Imaging

@advancedimaginglab / @AI-UniSR Milan

Tom George TomGeorge1234
Neuroscience and Machine Learning PhD. UCL, Harvard, Cambridge
I live on gitlab sorry..

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre (UCL)

Yoseline YCabara

Geneva, Switzerland

Ryan Harvey ryanharvey1
Postdoc at Cornell University

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

Kanghoon Jung KanghoonJ
Scientist @ Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics

Allen Institute Seattle, WA

James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom