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Daniel Weiand send2dan
Cycling medical microbiologist with interests in medical education and clinical informatics.

Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Newcastle upon Tyne

Ciarán R bytebraid
coder | creater | curator ############################### private repo access available on request

Bytebraid London

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Arun Nadarasa krumpverse
NHS Clinical Entrepreneur

International Social Prescribing Pharmacy Association London

Piers Saye pie-rs
1049 AB22 AA30 4F9D


Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford