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Rick Jiang rickjiang2016

NOAA Air Resources Laboratory College Park, Maryland, USA

Bo Yuan boyuan276

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

Charley Fite chfite
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory Affiliate Atmospheric Scientist

Washington, DC

Dmitrii Vokhmintsev JetV
Postgraduate student, I'm developing science codes for a particle physics problems solving.

PNPI Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Gatchina

Beiming Tang btang1
PhD from U of Iowa. Postdoc at NOAA ARL & GMU

NOAA ARL Washington DC

Adam Deitsch AMDeitsch
PhD Student, AtmosSci - UAlbany | Micro/Nanoplastics (MNP) | PFAS | NCAS-M Fellow | BS, EnvironSci - Broward College

University at Albany Atmospheric Sciences Research Center

Aaron C Watt acwatt
PhD Student in Energy & Environmental Economics at the department of Agricultural & Resource Economics at University of California, Berkeley.

UC Berkeley

Ricardo Barros Lourenço ricardobarroslourenco
Trying to enhance human experience.

@MacRemoteSensing Hamilton, ON, Canada

JIAPC Vanyary
Bavand Sadeghi bavands

@noaa-oar-arl College Park, MD

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

Lucas H. McCabe lucasmccabe

@lmiconsulting Boston, MA

Jenifer Vivar jvivar2383
NOAA EPP/MSI Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Fellow. Department of Computer Science City College of New York

New York, New York

Zachary Moon zmoon
PhD atmospheric scientist working for @noaa-oar-arl

@noaa-oar-arl Bryan, TX

Barry Baker bbakernoaa
I'm a scientist at @noaa-oar-arl (@NOAAResearch ) working on developing tools and algorithms for use in computational weather models.

@noaa-oar-arl NOAA NCWCP