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Wilfried gilleswb
All things Alexa

@alexa-samples @alexa London

Pratap Das DevDasPratap
Graduated (B.Tech) in CSE from GCETTB - Software Developer at BCD - Learner | Programmer | Developer Building => kolkata, west bengal, india

Mateo Nunez mateonunez
I create MIT bugs.

@BonusX-Global Italy

Guilherme da Silva Dutra gguillerme
A vida militar me ensinou muitas coisas, ensinamentos esses, muitas vezes difíceis de acessar e absorver, com muito esforço e foco, venci todas as barreiras.

Brazil, Santa Catarina, Florianópolis

Wielant Ratz WRatz

BodenseeMobil e.V. Nördliches Bodenseeufer, Germany

Shravani CodeWithShravani23
I'm a web developer with a focus on the MERN stack. I enjoy building dynamic web applications and am constantly exploring new technologies.
김수연 kimsudang
하루하루 열심히 🌱


halfstack ha1fstack

@toss Seoul, Korea

Pengoose pengooseDev

Seoul, South Korea

Kevin Schmitz Kevin-305

RWTH Aachen University Niederzier, Germany

GiriPurushotam GiriPurushotam
Self-regulated ! life long learner.
Dhurata Avdiu Dhurataa22
Student in: University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (ushaf)


Hardik Singh teflonrider467-boop
Full Stack Web Developer and Data Scientist
Djenifer Muck djenimuck
Hi. I'm Djeni. I like games, music and programming! Passionate about code, problem-solving & continuous learning. Internet explorer (not the browser!)


Sivabharathy gotocva
Technical Architect

@Sparkout Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd Cuddalore, Tamilnadu, India

Thibaut Cotture Thibcott
Software developer

Stadler US Inc. Switzerland, Valais

Eriton S. Gomes eritonsg-montreal
I'm a Software Developer at Montreal

Montreal Paraíba, Brazil

smartshifts vienatjeee

Fashion by Edelbands the netherlands

Anderson Santos andersongns
Software Developer

@grupoboticario Recife, Pernambuco - Brasil

manos manos-fr
Full Stack Developer | React, Angular, Ionic, TailwindCSS, GraphQL, Redux, Expressjs, Node.js, Fastify, Elasticsearch, Hasura, Postegres, Docker, NX


Abhay tiwari abhay-ti2002
3rd-year Computer Science Engineering Student
Yann@SeenKid SeenKid
Je préfère l'arrogance à la fausse modestie.

CC Nowhere.

sagar regmi sagarregmi2056
Software developer.

CheckerChain Protocol chitwan nepal

Sachith Chamara sachith22
An experienced Software Engineer with a solid track record of achievements in developing and maintaining software systems with over 8 years of experience.

Aeturnum Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Colombo

Minho Lee minho-lee0716
⚽️ 축구를 사랑하는 개발자 🤍

Seoul, Republic of Korea

fauzaan irsyaadi fauzaanirsyaadi
software engineer
