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Brad Anderson Cyburstud
Passionate with technological development, experiences, and even philosophical concepts on technology, data structure, and data analytics.

Dallas, TX

silvesterwali silvesterwali
hi, I'm silvester wali . I'm a web developer, javascript and php enthusiast

S.P Digital Agency Indonesia

Haithm EL-Watany HELWATANY

Cybertron International Egypt

Quang Hiep hiepdqflame
First, solve the #Problem. Then, write the #Code

FPT University VietNam

Fernando Bold yello-genai
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Solar Hub Rio de Janeiro

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Chakir QATAB chakAs3
Part-time CTO, Full-time Developer. @storybookjs maintainer, @vuejs contributor @storybook-vue creator.

@Writefully Dubai

gangan shinGangan
🌸 Web Engineer, mainly front-end developer, PdM and cloud architect. Nuxt contributor

@FeaSion Tokushima, Japan

Muhammed Erdinç muhammederdinc
Frontend Developer

Teknasyon Δ°stanbul

Rafael rafaelfess
Elixir, Vue.js, Solid.js | Focusing on server-side (but not limited to) building majestic monoliths.

Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Karan Janthe KMJ-007
Serial key presser!


Thiago GuimarΓ£es guim4dev
Donate blood! @Hemocione

Co-Founder @Hemocione & Senior Software Engineer @leopardaelectric (Vammo) Rio de Janeiro

Sascha Riemenschneider sasaisaschi

@TobisStudio Germany

Luis Guilherme lgdagostim
Full stack developer with a bit of music production πŸŽΉπŸš€πŸ–₯

@strade-dev CriciΓΊma

Mohamed Almearag Mohamed-Almarag
I'm frontend developer have a passion for programming and code
Emanuele Di Bene EmanueleDB
Full Stack Developer

Bluem Amsterdam

Mohamed Mahrous mmahrous
A lazy programmer want to write one line of code to do the job.

Sum Up | Transport for Cairo Berlin

Viki Val vikiival
Co-founder of @kodadot

@KodaDot SubWork

bran0h bran0h
Young webdev πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»


Emiliano H emiherber
Full Stack Developer

Musimundo Entre RΓ­os, Argentina

DKKs mjkodkks
🐱 :3 Cat Code. Front-End Developer

Thailand, Kalasin

Sebastian Kaier skaiwlkr
🌌 Jedi Youngling πŸ’™ Working @shopware πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Creating digital solutions @Studionuca

@shopware Lower Saxony, Germany

Alan Schio schirrel
Fuller, go easy on the pepsi.

@bairesdev @lulusdev Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil

Wouter Vernaillen vernaillen
Full Stack Java & Vue Developer.


Phil Manning pjmanning
Surf | Design | Develop

@doodDevelopments Remote

Ahmed Shibob AhmedShibob
Trying to be on the wave of latest trends and technologies.


Ahmed Ragab ahmedragab20

@foodics terminal

Adham Farrag adhamfarrag
I built my first website when I was 9 years old, second one 10 years later. Very fast tho.


Farrag fvrrvg
@adhamfarrag 's brother


Ahmed Ashraf AhmedAshrafAZ
I automate the boring stuff πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’».

German University in Cairo