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Adarsh singh ADaRShsiNgh456
Web dev enthusiast. Passionate about APIs, privacy, and all things digital.
Paul paulrobben

@prototypefund @okfde Berlin

BlueMöhre bluemoehre
☕  Software  Architect  🎵  Music  Enthusiast  🛩️  Flight  Simmer  🤖  Home  Automation  Builder  🏝️  Sunseeker  Traveler


scobiform Scobiform

Scobiform Brandenburg

Adrian Kieß adriankiess
Adrian Kieß is a programmer and administrator. He is currently taking part in the history seminar at the University of Leipzig.

KIESS.ONL Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Sebastian Sossna SebastianSossna
B.Sc. in Computer Science; currently enhancing my expertise with a Master's degree.

Minden, Germany

Benjamin Brandt benjaminbrandt
Media•Technology enthusiast, who just loves building great products.


Anis safia anissafia90
I am a full-stack software engineer and writer. I love programming, reading, writing and speaking. As a software engineer, I enjoy using my obsessive attention

@ ALX Africa @GuildOpenTech Tunsia 🇹🇳

Tim TimRepke
Postdoc at MCC, formerly HPI
Felix Maurer maufl

Karlsruhe, Germany

elly jonez ellyjonez

California ➡️ Oxford

Benjamin Degenhart benjaminaaron
Knowledge Engineer @Citizen-Knowledge-Graph. Open Source, Linked Open Data, Sustainability, Graphs

FörderFunke UG Berlin, Germany

Mirza Jaun Scienticious
Mobile Application Dev | Flutter | Android | Dart | Kotlin GmbH Nürnberg, Germany

Predrag Tasevski stepcellwolf
Cybersecurity & Privacy by Design Advocate | Certified ISO, DPO, and more at Berlin, Germany

Daniel Böttner DanielBoettner
DevOps and a hype driven developer.

Leipzig, Germany

stephan lindauer stephanlindauer

@criticalmaps berlin, earth

Tell us a little bit about yourself... No!

@kartenmacherei Germany