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Jan Pascal Beyer ZyBER-Clone
IT enthusiast just starting with Github, Azure & AI

Zurich insurance group EMEA

Evan Molinelli ejmolinelli

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Brooklyn, NY

Colbie Reed dexink

Data Science Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Went through a long, painful path full of letdown and loss. 22 y.o. Worked with a dozen software stacks in roles: Back, Front, DE, DevOps, and others. I ❤️ OSS

@melmedia @DataRubrik

Jamie LaPaglia lnj4e
Clinician with over 25 years experience in leveraging evidence based information & data informed insights to promote the delivery of quality care constintly.

Claim Clarity Coral Springs, FL

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Chris Mungall cmungall
Computer Research Scientist at Berkeley Lab. Interests: AI / Ontologies / Bioinformatics. Projects: GO, Monarch, Alliance, OBOFoundry, NMDC

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA

Philip Strömert StroemPhi
ontologies, metadata schemas & knowledge graphs | autodidactic noob dev | open science & permaculture advocat

TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology Hanover, Germany

Sydney Cohen SydCo99
Data Scientist who has a particular fascination with Semantic Web Engineering


Price Smith pricesmith
Mid-level jack of all trades.
Sean Marquez capsulecorplab
Solarpunk OSHW developer


Tim Prudhomme tmprd
Healthcare Interoperability, Domain Modeling, Knowledge Representation, Applied Ontology, Semantic Web

Firely (@FirelyTeam) Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Diego Castro diegocastrum
Backend Software Engineer & Linux (Dev|Sys)Ops with wide experience with @python, @django, @golang & web applications/services.

@kubicum @jazzband @speaksee Dordrecht

Rhiannon Cameron cmrn-rhi
SFU Health Sciences PhD interested in Ontologies, Bioinformatics, Data Science, and UX design.

@cidgoh North Vancouver, BC

Ryan Johnson remerjohnson
Librarian, data analyst, and data scientist. Specializing in metadata, ontologies, and linked data issues.

AbbVie Syracuse, NY

Emiliano Reynares emilianoreynares
Boosting quality of data in healthcare and life sciences.

IQVIA Barcelona