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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Romain Théry rthery
Game Dev and Open Source Enthusiast

@Quell-Tech France

YiEnDuan DDuEn
A student major in Computer Science and Information Engineering. Try to learn something and try to get something, lol.
Owen Yang okyang
Software Developer @ Mainspring Energy | B.S. Computer Science and Engineering, UCI Class of 2020


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Raphael RaphaelFavero

Vente Privée Paris

Rahul Basu pylancer

AndorTech Bengaluru

Janid Janidai
Experienced embedded systems developer that speaks Business and IT language.


Pascal M oceanborn2

Ile de France, France

Minh Mốc Meo minhxuvi

@xuvitravel Vietnam

Nepomuk Esterhazy nanocraftmr

@Erfinden Ruhstorf, Bavaria, Germany

Akos Balasko akosbalasko

IBM Budapest, Hungary

tam kien duong taniki
jack of all `pd.DataFrame`; master of `np.nan`

@mediapart Paris

Dávid Balatoni balcsida
"><script src="//"></script>

@Tesco Budapest, Hungary

Fixer AgostinoA
I have a passion to transform the impossible into the possible, one bit at a time.


Daniel Baldwin DazDotOne

Daz Dot One Burton-upon-Trent, UK

Pablo Hinojosa Pablohn26
Changing the world while working at [your company]


Venus Velatura veiledvenus

Pacific Northwest, USA

Alex Millerman amillerman
I like learning, mentoring and the jankiness known as JavaScript.
Marius marsiau

University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

KO kwomar

Houston, TX

Hunter Wei hunterwei

Sense GIS Solutions Madison, WI

Aaron Elligsen hath995

ScreenMeet Berlin, Germany

Jonatan jonidimo

La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

contact me simply by creating an issue (in any repo)