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Andy yayen-lin
Enjoying Life

Madison, Wi

want to make something cool but don't know what


Fangjun Zhou fangjunzhou
MSCS Student at Stanford University. Currently working on computer graphics, computer vision, and hardware acceleration research.
Jeffrey Hui Slijeff
Master of Computer Science @ UIUC | Graduated Bachelor CS/DS @ UW-Madison | Eager to learn more about CS. 🇭🇰

Geico Champaign, IL

Smit Shah smit-1999
Software engineer interested in building scalable systems.

@University of Wisconsin Madison Madison

Tanapoom Laoaron laoaron2403
Undergraduate student in Computer and Data Science at UW-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

Yuanzhuo Yang ShockYoungCHN
Nothing obvious.

Madison, WI

KJ Choi kwangjong
@UW-Madison, BS in Computer Science & Data Science @kchoi54


Shawn Zhong ShawnZhong

Madison, Wisconsin

Elio Bastias eliobastias
Open Source Enthusiast | Love to write elegant code | Gopher, Python | DevOps | SysAdmin | DBA

GoDevOps Argenitna, Quilmes