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21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Mohamed Numair MohamedNumair

EnergyVille/ KU Leuven Belgium

Richard Lincoln rwl
Power Engineer


Matt Gauger mathias
Hyper-local solutions to local problems, decentralized+resilient infrastructure, & an inclusive solarpunk future.


Max zubasa107
PHD student at KIT working on synthetic generation of time series for the energy sector (transformers, gans, privacy, MDNs, ...)

KIT Germany, Karlsruhe

æ arne1921KF

Western Central Europe

vrde vrde


Gustav Hansen gu-stav
More questions than answers. Into (f)oss, information architecture, a11y, inclusive design and collaboration.

Senior Frontend Engineer Germany / Berlin

Ivan Markin unkaktus
Pondering numerical relativity

Potsdam University Berlin

Breyden Taylor prompted365
The parameters are purring, the tokens are tasty, and as always... ``` >_ context is all ```

Prompted LLC Indiana

Michael Heß GrimmiMeloni

@RedHatOfficial Paderborn, Germany

Florian Kirsten overflw
CS Student | Sustainability in Tech | Privacy Engineering | ITSec Wannabe

TU-Berlin Berlin, Germany

Florian Kotthoff FlorianK13
Researcher @offis | Developer @open-pv | Energy Data and Data Engineering

@OFFIS | @open-pv Oldenburg