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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Prince kumar 855princekumar
🤖 Mechatronics | 🌍 IoT & AI | ⚡ Edge Computing | 🚀 Building Autonomous Systems

@innovationsfy india

Sergey Volkov TonyGaldin
Software & Design Engineer

Russia, Moscow

Josef Leyva jalmx
Emprendedor disfrutando de programación con un buen café #linux

Xizuth Inc Mexico

Jason Lee jasonleecode


Ahmed Ibrahim invahmed
An Industrial Electronics & Automatic Control Engineer

Alexandria, Egypt

Tony Jiang jqmtony
Java Developer


embedded, php, js

rembong hcm

Jelly Terra jellyterra
19 yo. Passion with EECS, PLT, CAD. Designing high level synthesis compiler for architecture researching.

Nonexisting Silicon By your side

Scott Gibb ScottGibb
Software Engineer, Robotics Engineer, Maker and Tinkerer

@dysonltd Dyson Bristol


赛罗科技集团(哈尔滨)有限公司 中国 黑龙江,哈尔滨

willnatsan willnatsan
Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering Student @ UoS Robotics & Automation Intern @ Phlux Technology

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Anton antonjan
Software and Hardware developer for more than 25 years

Giga Technology Johannesburg, South Africa

hilam hilam8899
I am a free man, I love embeded and C#
Cameron Brooks CameronBrooks11
Engineering Student and Research Associate at Western University.

@uwo-fast @FEASTorg @IntegrumSystems @werocketry London, Ontario

Edoardo edomazzone
23/11 Maker🛠️ Student


RISC-Vduino RISC-Vduino
RISC-Vduino Board is based on RISC-V Instruction set architecture design of open source hardware board,use open source software for product development,DIY demo

RISC-V MCU Community RISC-V MCU World

JordyDH JordyDH

onEdge Belgium


freelancer Ho Chi Minh