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Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
James Rowa jrowah
Self-taught software developer. Making Africa great one line of code at a time.

Nairobi, Kenya

Georg Lösel georgloesel

verdigado eG Potsdam

Mika Tuupola tuupola

Kakotron Oy Finland, Thailand, Estonia

Thomas Schranz tosh

@lemmings-io Vienna, Europe

jon ⚝ almereyda

allmende laniakea.

Michael Maloney SupaMic
I attend the University of the People and am a Web Applications Developer and Project Manager with 20+ years experience.

SupaDesign Victoria, BC

Startupscheune startupscheune
Startup und Maker Netzwerk aus dem Ruhrgebiet 💡 Workshops 🤝 Meetups 🛠️ Hackathons 🔥 Spaß am Selbermachen

StartupScheune Duisburg, Germany

Alexander Buch bucha

Cartware GmbH Rosenheim

Collin Pendleton madeofpendletonwool
Handmade, artisan code, all home grown right here 🌱 Devops ❤️ Open Source 💙 Mostly building apps that I haven't found a good solution for.

Apex42 Group La Crosse, WI

Maximilian Schulz namxam
Software Developer with a strong business background

Cologne, Germany

Joey Keller jos0405
CTO at

Alain Nambi alain-nambi
🚀 Software Developer | Automation Enthusiast 🤖


Sam Gaw samgaw

@SupermethodHQ Belfast