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Gedion Daniel Gediontkd
Software Developer | Full Stack Developer


Alex Crișan alexwork1611

Altametrics Cluj-Napoca, România

Tirinfo tirinfo

tirinfo Indonesia

Kaili MaKaili

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Spike spikeZwh
i'm web developer, like React、NextJs、AI、arithmetic
Chafik HADJ ABDOU RAZACK ChafikHadjAbdouRazack
Software Engineer | Available for consultation and contract work.


Sovanorak Long sovanorak

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Shahil Ahamad Shahil-Ahamad-dev
Doing Internship in Skill Prompt as a MERN Stack Developer
Peter Byun peter-byun

In between jobs, ex-@yogiyo

Muhammad Shaheer shaheersystems
Building innovative solutions with code and creativity.

Navicosoft Lahore, Pakistan

AY AY7295

mostly in china

ASM mr-meselmani
Software Engineer

Planet Earth

nelbta nelbta
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Mike Rudge mikerudge
Full Stack Developer at @tci-futures

@tci-futures Cardiff, Wales

Emre emre-turan
Front End Developer

Lisbon, Portugal

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Super super9157
I value communication and teamwork, constantly upgrade my skills with the latest tech, focus on high-quality code and meeting deadline. Interesting? Email me!!!

Software Industry Work from Home

Leonardo Lemos mrlemoos
Frontend Engineer, software architecture enthusiast, and open-source contributor. 🚀


Malek Gara-Hellal FindMalek
Just a random guy that loves programming.

@Jobflow-io, @undrstnd-labs Tunisia, Monastir

John Rocela jamoy
Javascript and Stoicism


surendra.oi surendrapm
Contributing to DEV


Hugo Corta hugocxl
Tech Lead @vitruve-labs

@vitruve-labs Spain

Onur Önder onderonur
Senior Frontend Developer @Nesine · Ege University Computer Engineering · Ege University Civil Engineering

Nesine İzmir, Turkey

Pratham Yadav ypratham
Student | Learner | Developer

Navi Mumbai, India

Hein Htoo heinhtoo
Fullstack Freelance Software Developer


Jason Yang chunyou0830
Founder & CEO, Tera Thinker Dept. of EECS, National Tsing Hua University, TW

@tera-thinker Taiwan

Adarsh kumar singh adarsh-technocrat
GSoC'21 @jboss-developer | Open-Source Enthusiast | contributor @ flutter/samples | Co-Founder @ | Full-Stack Web Dev


Buns Enchantress BunsDev
DevRel Engineer @smartcontractkit

@SmartContractKit USA

Qilin Yang kiriny
A caffeine-dependent life form.

Ames, IA