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Leo Leo32345
Hi! I'm @Leo32345!

The World Wide Web

Samuel Gómez Guio SamuelGomezG
Junior Software Developer | Python, Java, Typescript, HTML, CSS, ReactJS, MySQL Computer science student.

San Marcos

Paul Palacios Paredes PaulPalaciosParedes
-Ingeniero Electrónico -Futuro Astronauta Análogo Team PeruIV -MDRS

Lima, Perú

mustyhenry hdanielson
Cal Poly Professor

Cal Poly SLO

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Kristian Nikolov - Ms in Computer Engineering
Christine Rehm mplspunk
Working with 🐍 in the ☁️ ; love data 📈 and coffee ☕

Minneapolis, MN

Igor Regnlager

Russia, Chelyabinsk

Sam Yu yudataguy
Curious about learning almost everything

Los Angeles, California

Ila Wallace ila-w
Texas State University | Computer Science | TXST Space Lab | Class of 2025

San Marcos, TX

Alan De La Torre Alandlt15
Senior @ Texas State University | CS | Texas State Space Lab

Texas State University San Marcos, Texas

Doug Franz khavernathy
Ph.D. computational scientist
egjellison evanjellison

Texas State University San Marcos, TX

Carl Johan Nielsen nidlu
PhD Fellow - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Lachezar Lechev elpiel
Building Aerospace & Blockchain Open-source projects. Rustacean by heart. Let's save our planet together!

@LechevSpace @AeroRust @Stremio Earth

Julia K sylk0s

Boston MA

Nicole Maggard NicoleMaggard
if code_works: print("I enjoy coding") else: print("coding is alright, I guess?")