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@76176235 76176235
Interested in asr and cv.

ilivedata Beijing

Takumi Okamoto MrBearing
Robotics Engineer. Sometimes write ROS Software And Sometimes design Mecha

Japan ,Osaka

Kazybek Askarbek QazyBi
Data Scientist


Nikolaos Theokritos Tsopanidis tSopermon
Currently pursuing an inter-institutional Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence & Visual Computing, organized jointly by UniWA & UniLim.


Maker & Problem Solver

@clapdb @chengfayun @diditaxi @baidu Hangzhou, China

2024 grad

ft swe since 2025 usa or 日本

Ryota Sato ryos17
I hope to explore the intersection between audio and engineering by being involved in audio signal processing + machine learning research!!
shunyatadano shunyatadano
I am a master student in Department of Robotics, School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Tohoku University Sendai, Japan

Krish Shah KrishKrosh
Maker of things and teller of stories.


Hiro hiroyams
CS @ Stanford
Nickolay V. Shmyrev nshmyrev

Alpha Cephei Inc Astrakhan, Russia

Pruthak Joshi pruthakjoshi
IITB | UCLA | Curious
Alan Ma Alanma23

Pacific Northwest

Kleber Noel klebster2
Senior Speech Engineer @
kagyroy Kagyroy

Kagyroy Works Japan

Shylock zw76859420

Trip Shanghai

Wenzhe Liu (刘文哲) WenzheLiu-Speech
Hi, I am Wenzhe Liu. I work for Kuaishou, and was employed by Tencent. focusing on generalized speech enhancement, audio codec and speech synthesis

Beijing, China

Fangjun Kuang csukuangfj
Was vorbei ist, ist vorbei.

Xiaomi Corporation Peking

Yue Yin euyniy

@reazon-research Tokyo, Japan