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Agrippina Mwangi PinaPhD
I am a researcher proficient in designing resilient and secure AI-driven solutions for software-defined Industrial IoT-Edge communication networks.


Wang Yuqing L1Rin
Student of NTU


Linwei Sang sanglinwei
Focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via AI and OR.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Pablo Sánchez-Palencia Vallejo pablos-pv

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Av. Complutense, 30, 28040 Madrid

Ben Watts BenjaminWatts
Full stack disruptive apps with React (JS & Native iOS/Android), Python, Node, Docker/Kubernetes, AWS & GCP UK

Koorosh Parvaz KooroshTechie
🌍 Renewable Energy Engineer | 💻 Python Enthusiast | 📊 Data Science & Machine Learning | Passionate about energy modeling and sustainable solutions
Sarah Sheehy sarah-sheehy-tnei
Senior Consultant at TNEI in the Data Science team


Emanuele Cutore RayBradbury98
Operations Research Enthusiast

University of Catania Catania, Sicily, Italy

Calvin Nesbitt CalvinNesbitt
Research Engineer @ TransitionZero with a background in climate science

@transition-zero London

yuruotao yuruotao
Electrical engineering major undergraduate

Nankai University China

Himalaya hbshrestha
Researcher in energy system modelling and climate policy analysis

Bonn, Germany

Amedeo Ceruti ddceruti
Energy Systems researcher and PhD candidate at TU Munich. Chemical Engineer from Barcelona, Spain.

TU München Munich, Germany

Rich Chang (Yu-Chi Chang) RichChang963
From Taipei, Taiwan. Focus on data pipelines, ML/DL, and optimization modeling.

Agora Energiewende Berlin

Tim fetimo
How hard can it be?

@lush-tech-warriors Poole

Friederike Wenderoth (née Meier) friederikemeier
Phd Student at Department of Energy Management and Power System Operation (University of Kassel), Working at Fraunhofer IEE, Kassel

Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology Kassel

Carlos Peralta carlos9917
Research Scientist in NWP at DMI

Danish Meteorological Institute Copenhagen