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Faruk Celik farukca
Modaltrans co-founder, proud of modaltrans team, logistics - freight - transportation updates welcome

Modaltrans istanbul

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Bernhard Krickl krickl

Riege Software International GmbH

Kevin Klesz Kevin-Klesz

Riege Krefeld, Germany

Nico K. Pereira da Silva NicoDaSilvaRSI

Riege Software International Switzerland

Rossi Dario RDA007

Riege CH-8303, Bassersdorf, Grindelstrasse 11

Jeannegraf Jeannegraf

@riege Switzerland

Benjamin Riege bennobo

@riege Kaarst, Germany

Angelo Enrico Cinardo cinardo

@riege Zurich, Switzerland

Thorsten Weber thorstnweber
School, Work, Death

Riege Software Meerbusch, Germany

Peter M. Stahl pemistahl
Computational linguist, polyglot programmer, green IT advocate

@riege Solingen, Germany

Mik Szillat nomaster

@riege @ffddorf @chaosdorf Düsseldorf, Germany

Christian Riege criege

Riege Software International

Peer Brink rsi-brink

Riege Software Int. Meerbusch, Germany

René Burghardt HardTy

@riege Meerbusch, Germany