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C. Linning clinning
Ivanti UWM engineer with a background in application packaging in a global environment and programming from university. Utilised over 5+ programming language


Bogdan Marian satrapu
Passionate about programming, driven by excellence.

@crossprogramming Brașov, România

Andre Maciel de Amorim andre-amorim
Computer Sciences and IT at Open University

Computer Applications Incorporated - CAI Multiverse

Weber Harris WeberHarris
I hire Software Engineers at Riverbed to build the next generation of our industry-leading observability and AIOps tools.

Riverbed Dallas-Fort Worth

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Osama Abbas Tes3awy
I work to bridge the gap between network and software as much as possible.

@BMBReach Cairo, Egypt

Jonathan Thackray jthackray
Compiler Engineer at Arm.

ARM Ltd Cambridge, UK