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Rufat Bayramov rrufat
biodigital jazz

Tampere, Finland

LiuQiang LiuQiangBlog
Robot Software Engineer.


Falling in love with Robotics~ State estimation, SLAM


Pannaga Sudarshan PannagaS
Robotics researcher interested in computer vision, and controls

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


singh281 shubhamsingh91
Roboticist, control engineer @apptronik


ZUOZITY zuozysama
Nothing to say

Hunan University ChangSha

MENG Fei feimeng93
Ph.D., Learning-based Motion Planning and Control

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

XINYI WANG Lawliet9666

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Henry Cocha HenryC91
Electronics Engineer


高瑞 hfr2015
major in AD scneario generation and motion planning

南方科技大学 深圳

Zheyu Swarm-lzy
PhD on swarm robotic

University of Manchester

Robotics and Learning Control

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

Zichen "Charlie" Zhang zichenzhang04
CS @umich | Computer Vision Research | Building @collage-us

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Yu Zhang yuzhangbit
PhD @ Beijing Institute of Technology, previously @ WAVELab at University of Waterloo.

Beijing Beijing, China


SJTU Shanghai, China

Hung Duy Nguyen hungnguyenacin
Ph.D. Student at Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology Vienna

he Douglasae
My name is He,| am a college student and most of the time I have to study. I enjoy rap and dancing, as well as playing basketball.
Elham Islam Lham42

@synnaxlabs Ann Arbor, MIchigan

Yulun Zhuang silvery107
Robotics PhD Student @ UMich

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, US

Jon Michaux jmichaux
Working on neural implicit representation for safe robot learning.

Michigan Robotics Institute Ann Arbor

Haomeng Zhang haomengz
Computer Vision & Robotics

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Yixuan Wang WangYixuan12
CS PhD @ Columbia

Columbia University New York

Feiyu Xiao feiyuxiaoThu
Citizen, Husband, Dad, and Robotics Evangelist. Former researcher intern in @ToyotaCRDL and student in SVM in @Automobile-Crash-Lab

Tsinghua University Haidian, Beijing